Drop any charges against Daryl & Brenda Duncan involving incident with Rosebud County sheriff's deputies & game wardens confiscating pet deer & murdering it.

  • von: Carla Turner
  • empfänger: Lee A. Busch - Justice of the Peace
Posted: Jan 21, 2016 8:21 AM MST

Updated: Jan 21, 2016 8:21 AM MST

Captive deer euthanized; Forsyth couple charged with obstruction

By Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

KRTV Great Falls

January 21 at 10:05am ·
During the process of confiscating the deer, officers arrested the landowners, Daryl and Brenda Duncan, on misdemeanor charges of obstructing a peace officer.

Captive deer euthanized; Forsyth couple charged with obstruction

Two people were charged Tuesday with obstructing a peace officer afterFWP game wardens confiscated a deer that was illegally held captive on their property.

http://www.krtv.com|By Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
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