Public Appeals for Maximum Sentencing of Premeditated Dog Killers

  • von: Anita Solomon
  • empfänger: Matt Kelley, Assistant District Attorney, Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office
Update 9/05/2007
One of these freaks (
Todd Soderberg)got off basically scott free!  The other awaits trial and it's for other charges!

I'm glad I don't live anywhere near this backwoods hillbilly Judge!!

Petition Date Extended! Pre-trial postponed to August 4

On May 31, 2006, two young pit bulls were found dead on a small path near the town's firing range. 

They had been shot 37 times.

With two high-powered rifles in the back of their car, two men drove their victims to a desolate dirt road at the edge of a wooded area of Cape Cod. Then, police said, Todd A. Soderberg and Keith B. Kynock let their victims go, watching them flee for safety, 40 feet, then 50 feet down the road, before the two lowered their rifles and opened fire. After allegedly firing 37 rounds, their victims lay dead, their bodies shattered from the rifle blasts.

''This was an execution,'' Barnstable police Sgt. Sean Sweeney said.  ''This was not a humane act in any way.''

We are not only outraged at this cowardly act of premeditated brutal and cold blooded murder, but that they pleaded NOT guilty!  Aside from the weapons charges, the items found in one vehicle denotes these men had other intentions besides the premeditated murder of the two Pit Bulls. 
We, the People, respectfully ask that each man be convicted on two counts of felony and serve the maximum allowed by the laws of MA.


Keith Kynock, left, and Todd Soderberg are arraigned yesterday in Barnstable District Court. The men were charged with shooting two pit bulls to death.
(Staff photo by Steve Heaslip)

Continue reading below signatures:

Up until Tuesday, Caesar and Hennessey, muscular, purebred pit bulls, apparently lived happily with their original owner, Guy Nelson, 50, a stonemason from Hyannis. They romped in his house, played with his daughter, and bounded on his bed. ``My dogs would literally jump off the ground and kiss me and lick me -- that's the kind of thing I'm thinking about now," Nelson said yesterday. ``You need to have one to understand how loyal and beautiful they are, and I'm broken-hearted."

But that morning, Nelson said, he was forced to give up the dogs when he moved into an apartment, where pets are forbidden. Reluctantly, he handed over the animals to Kynock, feeling certain they would be cared for well by a friend and fellow pit bull owner whom he knew from Cape building circles. ``It was one of the hardest decisions of my life, but I thought as long as they had a nice home, we need to move on," Nelson said. ``We had to make a choice: Either they live right or we don't."

Police said the arrangement didn't last long. Later that same day, Caesar and Hennessey began fighting with Kynock's other pit bull, biting and barking ferociously, according to Barnstable Police Sergeant Sean Sweeney. Kynock called Nelson, who told Kynock to give the dogs more time to bond. But Kynock turned instead to Soderberg, and by nightfall the dogs were dead.

Soderberg was arrested Thursday night and Kynock yesterday morning. In a search of Kynock's car, an Audi, police said they seized a .40-caliber Glock handgun, brass knuckles, a black ski mask, rubber gloves, a bolt cutter, and a police scanner. Sweeney said he was not sure what the items were intended for.

Yesterday, Nelson said he has been struggling with feelings of grief and guilt, feeling he is somehow to blame for the dogs' death. ``How would you feel if someone killed some of your kids?" Nelson said. ``That's how I feel. I cried like a baby, cried 20 times, and I'm a grown man. I'm that broken up. I'm heartbroken."


Two pit bulls 'executed' in woods
Two Charged in Dog Slayings

These two men pleaded not guilty to brutally shooting these pit bulls!
Both were released on cash bail - Kynock for $2,500 and Soderberg for $1,000 - and are scheduled to be back in court July 11.  So time is of essence to take action!

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