Sign now to defend farm animal welfare laws!

We need your help to stop Big Pork from nullifying the most important farm animal protection laws in the nation.
Right now, countless pigs on factory farms are immobilized in "gestation crates" — two-foot-by-seven-foot cages that are barely larger than the 400-pound mother pigs' bodies. It's a form of torture to confine breeding sows so severely that they cannot even turn around. That confinement isn't limited to a few minutes or a few hours — pigs are locked in place for up to three years. The poor, trapped animals resort to biting on the metal bars as an expression of their physical and psychological torment.
The very least a civil society can do is give animals raised for food some opportunity to stand up, move, and turn around. The public agrees: nearly 80 percent of voters in Massachusetts voted for Amendment 3 to stop the sale of pork that comes from sows cruelly confined in gestation crates. California voters made a similar judgment in passing Prop 12 in a landslide.
The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and its allies challenged the laws in court — and lost. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the NPPC and for the pigs. Now, the factory farming lobby is appealing to its allies in the U.S. House and Senate and trying to unwind these voter-approved statewide elections by an act of Congress. The NPPC's allies in Congress have introduced legislation known as the EATS Act that would nullify Prop 12, Amendment 3, and other laws that seek to impose conditions or standards in agricultural commerce. In fact, the EATS Act is so broad that it could subvert dozens of other state laws, including those limiting overuse of antibiotics and stopping the use of dangerous pesticides.
All animals deserve humane treatment, including animals raised for food. Sign now to oppose the EATS Act — a measure that would undo democratically enacted, constitutionally sound state animal-welfare laws.
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