Petition Against the Award of an Honorary Degree by Oxford Brookes University to Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson has publicly expressed values which run counter to social responsibility and stewardship of environmental and public resources. Oxford Brookes University should dissociate itself from such views and should not condone them by the award of an honorary degree.
We, the undersigned, object to Oxford Brookes University's award of an honorary degree to Jeremy Clarkson and call for the decision to be reviewed on the grounds that Jeremy Clarkson has publicly expressed views and values which run counter to those which the University claims, in particular that the University will uphold "social responsibility and ensure the understanding and care of people and stewardship of environmental and public resources"

Brookes works hard with staff and students in order to create awareness of, achieve and maintain inclusive and sustainable practices. The University should dissociate itself from views such as those expressed by Jeremy Clarkson and should not condone such views by the award of an honorary degree.

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