Stand for Women's Health: Support the Women's Health Protection Act

Attacks on women's health continue all across our country.

In just the first three months of 2014 alone, the Guttmacher Institute identified 303 anti-choice provisions from legislators in 38 states that seek to limit women's access to health care.

From enacting an unconstitutional, 20-week abortion ban in Mississippi to requiring doctors to have medically unnecessary hospital admitting privileges in Oklahoma and Louisiana, this legislation has only one goal: to interfere with a woman's right to make personal health care decisions.

There is a way to fight back: the Women's Health Protection Act.

The Women's Health Protection Act would allow women to make personal health care decisions unhindered by medically unnecessary restrictions designed to make it harder to access abortion services.

Please join the National Partnership for Women and Families and call on your members of Congress to support the Women's Health Protection Act.
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