Join Obama and Support the Employee Free Choice Act

  • von: SEIU
  • empfänger: Barack Obama, President
Meet one of the most prominent supporters of the Employee Free Choice Act. Barack Obama helped lead the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act in the Senate, and he's promised to sign the bill as president.

The Employee Free Choice Act would make it easier for workers to unite on the job, imposing stiff penalties for corporations who fire or intimidate workers who try to form unions and giving workers a seat at the table so they can negotiate their contracts just like CEOs do.

The Employee Free Choice Act will be among the priorities for President Obama and the new, pro-middle class Congress, but they need to see the broad public support for this much-needed change!

Check out this video, then tell Barack Obama that you support the Employee Free Choice Act.
Dear President Obama,

I join you in supporting the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill in Congress that would make it easier for workers to join together and bargain for wages that support a family and quality, affordable healthcare.

This bill will make it easier for workers to unite on the job, imposing stiff penalties for corporations who fire or intimidate workers who try to form unions and giving workers a seat at the table so they can negotiate their contracts just like CEOs do.

[Your comments here]

It's time our economy worked for everyone again. It's time for the Employee Free Choice Act. Thank you for your support of this bill.
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