A Full 23% of Members of Congress Are Climate Deniers, Resisting Efforts to Protect Our Planet from Crisis

Twenty-three percent of lawmakers in the U.S. Congress don't believe in the existence of human-caused climate change. This is in one of the most influential, wealthy, carbon-polluting countries in the world - meaning they have a huge platform to cause a lot of damage and to prevent a lot of progress. Oh, and all of these members of Congress belong to the Republican party.

Sign to pledge that you will vote Blue for Democrats this November to keep the Earth Green!

100 elected representatives in the House of Representative and 23 Senators are part of a right-wing coalition of Republicans that are doing everything they can to push back against efforts to save our planet and to fight climate change.

It's no coincidence that they've also spent their careers being bribed and lobbied by fossil fuel corporations. Dirty energy groups have spent a combined $52 million dollars on these 123 lawmakers, ensuring that these science-deniers vote the way the coal and oil industry want.

Meanwhile, the world is experiencing record high heat waves. On July 22, 2024, the entire planet went through its hottest day ever - breaking its own record from the previous day.

And in California, the state just recorded its hottest month - in all of history - in July 2024. Inside California, the hottest place on Earth - Death Valley - also skyrocketed to its hottest month ever. Approximately one-third of all people living in the U.S. were under heat warnings in July due to the record-breaking temperatures.

These 123 Republican members of Congress don't care, though. They'll keep condemning us over and over to this worsening fate - because they're profiting off of it. The more coal, oil, and natural gas we use, the more they benefit through corporate lobbyists. That's why they're fighting against the Green New Deal, investments in clean energy, and regulations to protect our planet.

The only way to stop this unhinged section of Congress from sending the world careening further and further into climate change is to vote these Representatives and Senators out. We have to vote Blue to keep the Earth Green! Sign the pledge to show that you will vote for Democrats and help us save our planet!
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