Demand strong environmental laws and save the largetooth sawfish

The largetooth sawfish is one of the planet's biggest fish – and one of its most threatened. Critically endangered globally, the fish is highly vulnerable to gillnet fishing. They are also captured for their fins, which are of high value in the shark fin trade.

As we're seeing with these magnificent fish, the web of life is fragile. Today, our air, water, land, and wildlife are facing near constant threats and our laws aren't strong enough to protect them.

And, wildlife like the largetooth sawfish are paying the ultimate price.

This cannot go on. We are facing a pollution and extinction crisis and we have no Planet B. Our elected representatives must create a new framework of national laws to safeguard our air, water and all living things, not allow it to be destroyed.

This new framework of laws must:

  • Make the federal government responsible for protecting the air we breathe, our wildlife, our climate and the places we love
  • Establish an independent commission to set environmental standards
  • Create an independent national Environmental Protection Authority to make sure governments and businesses do the right thing by nature
  • Guarantee communities the right to have a say in environmental decisions 

Ask Prime Minister Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to create stronger laws for air, water and wildlife.
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