Alaska's wildlife is at risk, and it's time to act!
The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to nullify a rule by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that banned some of the most egregious hunting and trapping methods on 76 million acres in national wildlife refuges in Alaska.
Now the fight is moving to the U.S. Senate, and we need your help today to prevent the shooting or trapping of wolves and their pups while in their dens in the spring, stop the use of aircraft to scout, land and shoot bears, and end other outrageous methods of killing wildlife on these lands.
Please tell your U.S. Senators to oppose Senate Joint Resolution 18 and the House companion resolution H.J. 69, which allows cruel hunting and trapping of Alaskan wildlife on federal wildlife refuges.
At The Fund for Animals, we continue to "speak for those who can't," serving as a voice for the protection of wildlife in the United States. Your action today can help thousands of wild animals facing inhumane hunting practices.