Justice For Dog Who Froze to Death in Backyard!

I was horrified to learn that a dog froze to death in its owner's backyard. How in the world could a dog owner be so cruel as to leave their animal outside in below freezing temperatures?!

Please sign my petition to demand the officials in Hartford charge and prosecute this woman to the full extent of the law.

The owner had not provided any type of protection against the cold. The vet that examined the 4-year-old pitbull mix said he had likely been starving for weeks and that he been laying in fecal matter for a long time and it was frozen to his body.

The freezing of this poor pitbull mix is an absolutely avoidable tragedy. A concerned citizen saw the frozen dead dog inside it's shabby backyard house and called the police, now we must ensure the police take the crime seriously.As animal lovers, we must band together to be sure justice is served for this dog. Sign the petition to keep the pressure on the police.
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
The police have found and charged the woman responsible for this dog's death. But that isn't the end of the story. We must keep up the pressure to ensure that she is actually prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Once this story is out of the news, local officials may be tempted to let it slide and we can't let that happen.
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