Save Baby Kittens in Shelters Now!
Kittens nationwide are being killed in shelters. We need your help to save their lives.
Countless outdoor kittens are brought to shelters by concerned people, but the majority of shelters across the country don't have the resources to provide the intensive care that these vulnerable orphans need. It's sad but true: kittens who are brought to shelters are most often killed. But together, we can change that.
Many shelters are operating with outdated policies and are in dire need of change. Alley Cat Allies has model programs that are proven to work!
Fragile, unweaned kittens require round-the-clock care and feeding. Stand with us as we help shelters put lifesaving programs in place for kitten care, socialization and adoption.
Take action today if you agree that shelters need to adopt humane policies to save kittens now!
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