Take Action Now: Help Us Protect Life Sciences Jobs and Virginia Patients

  • von: Virginia Bio
  • empfänger: Virginia Assembly and Governor Yougkin
This session, Virginia lawmakers are considering policies to address rising health care costs, but no solution should come at the expense of patient access to lifesaving care or the Commonwealth's ability to research and develop new treatments. Unfortunately, several Virginia lawmakers are considering legislation that would do just that.

House Bill 1724 (HB 1724) would create a prescription drug affordability board (PDAB) here in the Commonwealth. This board would empower potentially insufficiently experienced government-appointed lay persons to artificially set prescription drug prices without taking patient preferences into account, potentially putting critical care out of reach for Virginia patients and stifling our leading life sciences innovation economy.


Virginia Bio encourages you to join your fellow advocates and tell your state lawmakers that implementing a PDAB is not the answer to lowering out-of-pocket costs for patients. Send a letter today!

As your constituent, I urge you to stand with Virginia patients and oppose House Bill 1724 (HB 1724), legislation that would have a devastating impact on treatment access for patients and the Commonwealth's leading life sciences industry.

HB 1724 would establish a prescription drug affordability board (PDAB) in Virginia and give power to potentially insufficiently experienced government-appointed lay persons to artificially set prescription drug prices without taking patient preferences into account. Although well intentioned, establishing a PDAB in Virginia could have dire consequences on patient access to timely and effective care and hinder the ability of our local life sciences industry to address public health challenges and bring new treatments to patients in need.

While solutions to lower prescription drug costs are vital, they cannot be pursued at the expense of patients in need, local jobs, and innovation happening across the state. Virginia patients need commonsense solutions that will have a direct impact on what patients pay at the pharmacy counter and maintain the Commonwealth's robust innovation economy. Please oppose HB 1724. Patients across the Commonwealth are counting on you.

Thank you,
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