Strict Enforcement of Animal Cruelty Registry to Stop the Abuse in Hawaii

  • von: Sue Lee
  • empfänger: Hawaii State Legislators

I have been working, state by state in a continuing effort to ensure an animal cruelty registry that would protect animals from abuse and neglect.  My hope is that such a database will be enforced on a national level.  My current effort is to encourage lawmakers in Hawaii to consider such a database and protect the animals statewide. 

Hawaii has had some issues of animal abuse and neglect that would gain substantial benefits from an animal cruelty registry.  You can read more at  These are just a few samples of animal cruelty that could possibly be prevented by implementing and enforcing a strict database with the welfare of animals in mind.

Although issues vary from state to state, an animal cruelty registry should be implemented with the same stature as a sex offender or child abuse registries.  The database would require all information for anyone that has been involved in any type of animal abuse, keeping and updating that info for life.  Such a database should be readily available to any and all breeders, shelters and others in the animal industry to ensure that anyone on the registry be banned from any future chance of working with, owning or caring for animals for life.  It is crucial that states take a serious step in protecting these defenseless animals or the cruelty will never stop. The effort in this petition is to ensure the passage of such a database in Hawaii on my journey to save animals on a national level.  You can help me in this endeavor by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts as you speak out for those without a voice.

Hawaii Legislators – I am highly concerned about the animal welfare throughout the state of Hawaii and on a national level.  I strongly urge you to consider implementing an animal cruelty registry that require all information for anyone that has been involved in any type of animal abuse, keeping and updating that info for life.  Such a database should be similar in stature to that of a sex offenders or child abuse registry and be readily available to any and all breeders, shelters and others in the animal industry to ensure that anyone on the registry be banned from any future chance of working with, owning or caring for animals for life.  It is crucial that you take a serious step in protecting these defenseless animals or the cruelty will never stop.

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