Stop Pollution From Oil and Gas Wells On Our Public Lands

Northwest New Mexico is shrouded in a methane gas cloud so big it can be seen from space. This is a frightening snapshot of what happens when climate-torching methane emissions spew freely into our air.
Drilling for oil and natural gas emits methane gas, which drifts into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change. Fortunately, this wasted gas can be harnessed through quick and cheap procedures. That's why in 2016, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) created the methane waste prevention rule.
Now, despite the risks to our public lands and climate, the Trump administration intends to gut this rule to give oil companies a free pass to pollute and waste our natural resources.
These lands belong to all Americans – not to the fossil fuel industry. We can't allow this administration to continue to strip away regulations that safeguard our wild places and our climate.
Don't let Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke put polluters above Americans. Tell the BLM to stop attacking the methane rule and protect our climate and public lands!
Subject: Don't gut the Methane Waste Prevention Rule
Secretary Zinke,
I oppose the proposal to gut the Bureau of Land Management's Methane Waste Prevention Rule.
[Your Comment]
Methane waste and pollution is a serious problem on public lands. Leaking, venting, and flaring from natural gas facilities wastes hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer owned natural resources every year. The new proposal eliminates key provisions which protect against exposure to dangerous pollutants and promotes the waste of 299 billion cubic feet of natural gas, enough energy to heat nearly 500,000 homes each year for the next ten years. In addition, your proposal is a huge step backward on the fight to tackle climate change, resulting in the same amount of short-term climate damage as 8.3 million cars driven over ten years.
Rolling back the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule results in a free pass to oil and gas companies to waste American energy and pollute on our public lands. Capturing wasted gas would promote responsible energy production and job growth while safeguarding American health and royalty revenue.
I urge you to halt the effort to gut the rule and instead protect our public lands, health and pocketbooks from methane waste and pollution.
[Your Name]
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