Eagle Freedom Petition

The sacred Wanbdi of the sacred Bird Nation Peoples of Grand Mother Earth are most revered and honored by Indigenous Red Nations and Peoples of Great Turtle Island as they fly the highest and see the best, and are diligently utilized in Indigenous daily life activities, ceremonies, traditional dances, and spiritual exercise, as they have done for over 60 million years upon Great Turtle Island, the lands which they have always been.

Recently (1492), europeans invaded and occupied various parts of “north america” and caused – through slaughter and mass murder – the death of tens of millions of Wanbdi, but which Bird Genocide ceased finally when only a few hundred remained and which are now protected under “Occupation Law” through the u.s. government agency known as the “United States Fish and Wildlife Service”, who currently harass, issue citations, and arrest, Indigenous Peoples if they have in their possession their sacred Eagle Feathers.

We demand that the “u.s. gov't” require their legislators, senators, presidents, employees, and any and all agents to refrain from genocidal harassment of Indigenous Peoples and allow them their freedom and nation rights and adopt laws to keep american government and citizenry from further harassment/genocide so as to comply with their own genocide convention (Proxmire) act of 1988, the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie, Article VI of the U.S. Constitution (“Supreme law Treaties”),  international Treaties, and all national and international laws rights.

Eagle Petition

Whereas, the sacred Wanbdi (Dakota Language for “Eagle”) “Bald Eagle” and the Sacred “Golden Eagle” of the sacred Bird Nation Peoples of Grand Mother Earth are most revered and honored by Indigenous Red Nations and Peoples of Great Turtle Island (misnomer “American Indians of the western hemisphere”) as they fly the highest and see the best, and

Whereas, Indigenous Peoples utilize the sacred Feathers of the Wanbdi in their daily life activities,
ceremonies, traditional dances, and spiritual exercise, as they have done for over 60 million years upon Great Turtle Island, the lands which they have always been, and

Whereas, recently (1492), europeans invaded and occupied various parts of “north america” and caused – through slaughter and mass murder – the death of tens of millions of Wanbdi, but which Bird Genocide ceased finally when only a few hundred remained and which are now protected under “Occupation Law” through the u.s. government agency known as the “United States Fish and Wildlife Service”, and

Whereas, currently, “United States Fish and Wildlife Service” agents can harass, issue citations, and arrest, Indigenous “American Indian” peoples if they have in their possession their sacred Eagle Feathers, which Indigenous Peoples utilize in their daily life activities, ceremonies, traditional dances, and spiritual exercise,

Therefore be it resolved that the “United States government” hereby require their legislators, senators, presidents, employees, and any and all agents to refrain from genocidal harassment of Indigenous Peoples and allow them their freedom and nation rights and adopt laws to keep american government and citizenry from further harassment/genocide so as to comply with their own genocide convention (Proxmire) act of 1988, the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie, Article VI of the U.S. Constitution (“Supreme law Treaties”),  international Treaties, and all national and international laws rights.

Be it finally resolved that all museums return all Wanbdi that are “stuffed” and any and all Wanbdi “parts” to the nearest Indigenous Red Nation so the remains can be properly cared for and utilized.

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