Urge the Delaware River Basin Commission to Permanently Ban Fracking

Big polluters are blocked from fracking in the Delaware River Basin, but whether that policy continues is anyone’s guess with President Trump in the White House. He’s already green-lighted the Keystone XL and North Dakota Access pipelines, and Trump’s energy policy is based on massively expanding natural gas drilling nationwide.
We can’t afford the environmental destruction that fracking will bring to the Delaware River Basin. Because of cleanup efforts and investment, areas that were once highly polluted are now safe for swimming and fishing, and bald eagles are coming back. Fracking could use up millions of gallons clean water, release polluted fracked water into the groundwater, and tear up the forests that naturally filter our waterways.
The Delaware River Basin Commission – made up of the governors from Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, and one federal representative – has kept politics out of its decisions and has kept fracking out the Basin. But if the Trump administration throws its weight around, we could see the area opened up to drilling, and big polluters’ profits put ahead of clean drinking water for 15 million people.
We’ve got to keep Trump’s polluter friends out of the Delaware River Basin. Sign onto the petition below to tell the Delaware River Basin Commission to permanently protect the largest drinking water source in the Northeast corridor by permanently banning fracking in the Basin.
Dear Governor,
Thank you for your longstanding commitment to protecting drinking water in the Delaware River Basin. The Basin is critically important to our region – it provides drinking water to more than 15 million people and brings billions of dollars to our economy.
We’ve made great progress reducing pollution in the Basin, but all that work could be jeopardized – and families’ health put at risk – if natural gas development is ever allowed to begin. Building the pipeline will tear up the very forests that naturally filter pollutants out of our drinking water. Combined with the threats of floods and droughts from a changing climate, fracking will only increase the risks to our drinking water.
Please protect the Delaware River Basin permanently by banning natural gas drilling. We cannot gamble with our children and grandchildren’s drinking water.
[Your Comment Here],
[Your Name Here]
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