Stop BSL (Breed-specific legislation) in Chaffee, MO!

Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is very discriminatory toward dogs. In some cities or states, these laws make it illegal to own certain breeds of dogs. The laws are based on breeds considered "dangerous and/or vicious."

I am a pit bull terrier owner living in Chaffee, MO, where there are very strict requirements to own a breed considered "dangerous" or "vicious." Please sign my petition to ask city officials to repeal its BSL!

Under Chaffee's requirements, you must keep specific breeds of dogs on a leash no longer than 4ft and have a muzzle on them any time you take them for a walk or want to play outside with them. You are not allowed to tie them up in your yard to allow them to play, and you are certainly not allowed to let them roam free in your yard, even if it is fenced in.

You must have a $100,000 liability insurance policy in case your dog should attack someone. If you leave your dog outside, it must be in an inclosed pen with a roof that meets strict standards set by the city. You must register your dog as a "dangerous dog" with the city. You must have a sign on your property indicating the presence of a dangerous dog. The list goes on and on!

BSL laws like these are unfair and only contribute to negative stereotypes of specific breeds. I believe a dog is only as good as their owner. Just like a child, if you raise a dog to be violent and aggressive, that is how they will act.

In the same sense, if you raise your beloved dog to be loving, compassionate, and friendly, that is what they will carry with them their entire lives. If you have reservations about pit bulls, I strongly encourage you to research the many facts about them. You will very easily and quickly be able to find the reliable information you need to truly know the character and nature of all pit bull breeds.

Let's work together to repeal the ordinance in the city of Chaffee, MO that places very strict restrictions on owning specific breeds. Please sign my petition to tell Chaffee, MO: Don't discriminate based on breed!

Each city or state has its own list of the breeds they consider to fall under these categories, but most of them contain any breed of pit bull, Rottweiler, and even german shepherd. Isn't it funny? German shepherds are used widely as police dogs, and are trained to serve and protect, yet legislatures label them as too dangerous for citizens to own!

Please help me to strike down BSL in my town of Chaffee, MO!

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