Ban the Piercing Gun in NJ (NJ residents only please)
Lets get the health department in NJ to ban ear piercing guns.This device is unhygienic, inaccurate, and above all dangerous. People MUST be made aware of the risks.
We the undersigned believe piercing guns are unhygienic, inaccurate, and above all dangerous. We would like the Health Department to ban the use of these dangerous devices. As is now well known, the Hepatitis virus can live for extended periods of time on surfaces, and could be harbored within a piercing gun for several weeks or more. Hepatitis and common staph infections, which could be found on such surfaces, constitute a serious public health threat if they are introduced into even one reusable piercing gun. Ear piercing guns can not be properly sterilized and an alcohol wipe or spray does not sterilize the gun. For more information please visit:
Thank you for reading our petition, we know as someone who cares about the publics health and well being that you will have no choice but to act on this and ban the use of piercing guns in NJ.
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