Delay Hong Kong Chief Executive creation

  • von: hkp
  • empfänger: everyone
An election will be held on 25 March 2012 to select the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. Make you choice. The new Chief Executive term will begin on 1 July 2012. The CE will be elected by a 1200-member Election Committee (EC).  If no candidate can get 601 vote on 25 March 2012. It will be re-elected, it will have other candidates to participate. If you think that will be better, please sign this petition.,_2012
Better for you also google or yahoo, search & view more, the details of the issue, here is quoted from the wikipedia. Since there have a lot,,,   Hope just a humor. Hackers' attacks on the online polling system for the simulated chief executive election  Latest Hong Kong, China & World News | Now 18,711,384 Care2 members, please break the restriction. Please help Hong Kong to have a good Chief Executive. Don't think you are outsider. It will affect you no matter where you are. So please show your choice!  (Detail analysis in the bottom, Hope Care2  to support the fair election.) 

If you prefer to have another re-election, please sign this petition.

If you vote for one of the 3 available candidate on March 25, 2012, please sign their petition below.


 Henry Tang 

Vote Henry Tang as Hong Kong Chief Executive Vote Henry Tang as Hong Kong... An election will be held on 25 March 2012 to select the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

 Albert Ho

Vote Albert Ho as Hongkong Chief Executive Vote Albert Ho as Hongkong... An election will be held on 25 March 2012 to select the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

 Leung Chun-ying

vote Leung Chun-ying as Hong Kong Chief Executive vote Leung Chun-ying as Hong... An election will be held on 25 March 2012 to select the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

People's Republic of China People's Republic of China
PRC is ruled by the Communist Party of China , is far different from liberal democracy orsocial democracy that exists in most of Europe or North America. Although  its Premier , Wen Jiabao,  says that it is looking for a fair election, the development is far different if the press described situations are more real. PRC has 1.3 billion population. Hong Kong has 7 million population. Hong Kong is one of the special administrative region. 

Republic of China, Republic of China
ROC now locates in Taiwan, 23 million population. The Hong Kong election and development is as a specimen of the China union.  
Take Action! Care2 Members & Visitors! Take Action! Care2 Members & Visitor
When you read this petition, you will see an Alexa report shown the visitors 

China Flag  China 1.5% of Care2 Now 90,723,675 petition maybe 1,360,855 signed from China visitors but seldom viewed in the comments at petitions... But its power can't be avoided. The signers of the petition can be just visitors (not Care2 members.)  If the organized people to make an action, they can change a great difference at a very short moment.. So everybody with upright mind should make a right vote.

Wish you are here Wish you are here Thanks everyone!
Please make your choice from your heart!  The choice will affect you at very soon no matter where you are.

Thank you Thank you
Help Wikipedia Help Wikipedia   serving 470 million peoplePlease understand that any information may be biased. Please use your own judgement. I do not imply that the information from Wikipedia is biased.Your choice is 
  make a difference make a difference

Change the world Change the world
Do something nice today to sign the petition Do something nice to sign the petition
You are very lucky to have a chance to make a choice. 7 million people in Hong Kong can't make a choice. Even the 1,200 EC are not having the freedom to make their own choice from their heart since some need to some organized groups' decision.
A U OK? U A LUCKY! Help Care2! Make difference! A U OK? U A LUCKY!  Help
Because of the interference from outsider (such as hackers) and from Care2 inside (sometimes they take out the petitions for some reasons, so you will not have a chance to sign the petitions. Thank 2 Randy Paynter & Care2 team Thank 2 Randy Paynter & Care2 team
Hope the Care2 team to understand that the petitions not created simply to collect butterfly points. It has an important issue need to show our voice. Please fair to let all petitions having same promotion, same time allowed at the to let people to sign. The election will be held on March 25, 2012.  Please and thank for your support.

3Q = thank you 3Q = thank you
10Q also = thank you.  Thank you to Care2, all people from our Global world.

Click to Save the World Click to Save the World Please.
Human Rights now has an identity! Human Rights now has an identity!
Human rights need you to protect. Even  PRC Premier , Wen Jiabao,  says that he wants a fair election, but really need you to help.
Thanks for always being there Thanks for always being there

Hoping and petitionsite website not be banned. Hoping and petitionsite web everyone see these petitions are very lucky! 

Let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.   Let us be loving, hopeful and opt My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.

Hong Kong have 7 million people. The election is affected the 13 billion people in Mainland China and other 23 million people in Taiwan.   Actually it also affects 7 billion people in World and creatures in the Earth.  The human history tell you that your home will change if those 7 million people have some serious action,  especial you are in North America,  South Hemisphere, Europe... 
Good Days.
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