Put the Brakes on Parking Rates

Dear Friends:

The City recently raised parking meter rates without considering changes to the parking meter infrastructure.  Providing alternative means to pay the meters by installing multi-space meters that accept credit cards and paper money should have been done before the new meter rates went into effect.  Further, the City is planning to extend the hours that meters are in operation from 6pm or 7pm to 10 pm.

Small businesses and shoppers alike are frustrated by this recent move.   We are asking for people to support our efforts to educate the Mayor and City Council about the economic impact this seemingly minor changes has on our businesses and our community, and to urge the City to reverse this change until the proper infrastructure is installed. 

We urge you to sign this petition and join us for a demonstration at City Hall on Tuesday, October 12, 6:30PM.    And, send an e-mail to the City of Alexandria’s Mayor and City Council at http://www3.alexandriava.gov/contactus/mailto.php?id=610

Thank you for your support!

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