Make Animal Cruelty A Felony In North Carolina

Make animal cruelty and abuse a felony in North Carolina by showing your support here.
Dear Elected Officials:

What our state needs is an effective and comprehensive animal cruelty statute. As you know, many animals are abused and neglected all over the world, on a daily basis. What you may not know, is that in most instanses, these so called petty crimes lead up to many worse crimes later in life.

An example is, Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. In his earlier years, he impaled dogs’ heads, frogs, and cats on sticks.

Other examples are, Columbine High School students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They shot and killed twelve classmates before turning their guns on themselves. In the past they had bragged about mutilating animals to their friends.

And what about, high school killers such as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel in Springfield, Ore., and Luke Woodham, 16, in Pearl, Miss. They had tortured animals before embarking on shooting sprees.

We have had two mass cases of animal cruelty and abuse in North Carolina this year alone. The first was the puppymill bust in Randolph County, where forty four dogs were confinscated by animal control workers. These dogs were walking skelotons, at least the ones that lived.

The second, the recent puppymill bust in Union County, where two hundred fifty two dogs were confinscated by animal control workers & police officers. These dogs were living in structures covered in their waste matter, they smelled horrid, the long coated breeds were matted beyond belief.

What kind of life is that? How can we as humans, the life form that God put onto Earth to protect all living creatures, allow this to continue? Today these animals are safe. If this person does not get a stiffer punishment than she did the first time the same charges were brought against her, and these animals are returned to her care, why did we bother? Tomorrow they will return to a life or torment.

We did it because we know she is inhumane & immoral. Unless animal cruelty can be punished by a prison sentence and outstanding fines, the abuse will never stop.

Not only are dogs suffering from abuse and cruelty, so are our states wildlife, horses, cattle, hogs, cats, exotics, and every other animal that makes a home in North Carolina, wheather by their own will or ours.

They can not voice thier feelings and needs, as we can, so we have to be their voice. Help them by helping our states, our countries, citizens. Make animal cruelty a felony in North Carolina. Many states have already done so, lets follow their lead and not be the last to incorperate stiffer punishment for this crime.

Thank You,
The Undersigned
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