Get harmful chemicals out of our food, bodies, and the environment!

Did you know it's been 20 years since Canada's most important environmental law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), was updated?
Since then, Canadians have become increasingly exposed to toxic substances like PFAS and bisphenol A (BPA) in our everyday lives.
Dangerous chemicals can be now found in a staggering number of items we come into contact with every day — food wrapping, store receipts, stain-resistant furniture and carpets, and even personal care products and cosmetics. Worse, under an out-of-date CEPA, it's all legal.
Exposure to these chemicals can impact human health in shocking ways. Compromised immune systems, reproductive issues, cancer, endocrine disruption — and that's just a short list.
It's time for CEPA to be updated into 21st-century law that will safeguard us, our families, and our communities from 21st-century threats.
During its previous mandate, the federal government conducted an extensive review of CEPA and committed to updating the law "as soon as possible in a future parliament".
That time is now.
If the federal government is going to deliver on its promise before the clock runs out on its current mandate, it must table amendments to the law when Parliament resumes in the fall.
CEPA is Canada's cornerstone environmental law and it must be updated now to defend us from toxic chemicals that put our health and the environment at risk. Harmful chemicals don't belong in our food, our bodies, our environment, or the products we use every day
Send your letter today and call on Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson to keep the federal government's promise to update CEPA.
Minister Wilkinson,
I am writing to urge you to act now and implement your government's promise in the mandate letter issued to you by the Prime Minister and introduce a bill to modernize the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to protect the health of all Canadians.
We need a CEPA reform bill before Parliament by the first anniversary of the 2019 federal election. We cannot wait any longer.
CEPA is Canada's cornerstone environmental law, yet it is failing to protect vulnerable communities and defend us from exposure to toxic chemicals that put our health and the environment at risk.
It has been nearly 20 years since CEPA was last updated – despite the Act's complexity, CEPA is weak and out of date. Scientific understanding of the human health and environmental toll of toxic chemicals and pollution has grown enormously over the last 20 years while global chemical production trends have skyrocketed. The Act no longer provides the necessary protections and safeguards needed to ensure all Canadians are protected equally under the law.
In 2017, the Standing Committee tasked with review CEPA released sweeping recommendations to strengthen and modernize the law. It notably called for a stronger and more equitable approach to regulating chemicals and pollution which would increase protection for all Canadians.
No federal law explicitly protects Canadians' right to live in a healthy environment. As Minister of Environment and Climate Change, you have the power to kick-start the process to reform CEPA and make things right.
[Your Name]
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