Tell to Shut Down Its Violently Misogynistic "Incel" Communities!

  • von: Llowell W
  • empfänger: CEO Steve Huffman

Last month a young man deliberately drove his van into pedestrians in Toronto, killing 10 and injuring another 14. Investigators have since discovered that the suspect belonged to the "incel" subculture (short for "involuntary celibate"), an internet-based group of disaffected young men who advocate violence against women. These men believe they have a right to sex from beautiful women and when they don't get it they believe violence is warranted.

Sign the petition to ask Reddit to close down groups where these men advocate for violence against women!

For years, the "incel" community seemed largely harmless, though their ideas did promote rape culture and a sick version of patriarchy. However, this began to change in 2011 with the Elliot Rodger killings, a self-professed incel who, after his suicide, would go on to be considered a martyr and a role model within the incel community.

Incels congregate almost wholly online, utilizing chat rooms and forums. Among the most gathering spots for incels is, the most popular website in the world. Here, incels have created their own subforums (known on Reddit as "subreddits"). Until last fall, r/Incels was perhaps the single most popular incel forum online. Since then, Reddit was pressured to tighten its policies on hate speech and inciting violence and ultimately r/Incels was closed.

Since then, however, refugees from r/Incels have flocked to other subreddits to continue their toxic discussions. These include r/mengoingtheirownway, r/Braincels and r/MGTOW (which stands for "men going their own way").

Reddit's administrators have a responsibility to be proactive in enforcing its anti-hate speech policies, however this does not seems to be a priority. As such, this petition seeks to ask that these three subreddits and any others violating policy be unceremoniously banned from

Please add your name to make your voice heard and don't forget to share this petition with friends, family and on social media!

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