Ask Tim Hortons To Become Environmentally Friendly

  • von: Yvette Roy
  • empfänger: Paul House, C.O.O, TDL Group Corp
This year Tim Hortons produced over 240 million disposable cups for their Roll Up the Rim promotion. This petition is asking that Tim Hortons encourages the use of reusable mugs and becomes a more responsible coffee retailer.
Every year Tim Horton’s, Canada’s largest coffee chain, runs a promotion called “Roll up the Rim to Win”. Coffee drinkers are encouraged to drink their coffee in disposable paper cups, as the rim can be rolled up to discover if there is a prize underneath. Usually, when a patron is dining in a Tim Horton’s restaurant they are given their coffee in a reusable ceramic mug. But during the contest period consumers are more likely to drink their coffee in a disposable cup for a chance to win. This promotion also discourages customers from using a travel mug, because without a paper cup they can’t win big prizes, such as a plasma T.V. or an S.U.V.

Information on the garbage that Tim Horton’s produces is limited, but what is known is disturbing. In Nova Scotia it was estimated that 20% of the provinces litter is caused by Tim Horton’s coffee cups. Another study by students at the University of Western estimated that 7% of the entire Universities garbage was from these cups.

This petition is asking that Paul House, President and C.O.O of the company that runs Tim Horton’s, take an active role in making the environment a priority. We ask that Tim Horton’s become a more responsible coffee chain by providing alternative ways to win for people using reusable mugs during their Roll up the Rim Contest. Also, we are asking Tim Horton’s to encourage and promote the use of Travel Mugs for their coffee, above and beyond a discount of a few cents.

It is time to take the environment more seriously and, as the Largest Coffee Retailer in Canada, Tim Horton’s should be a role model.
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