Obama: Don't Waver in Your Demand for a Public Option

First the Senate compromised away a public option by adding anyone 55 and older to Medicare in an attempt to get enough supporters to stop a filibuster. Then they compromised so much with Joe Lieberman that they dropped the Medicare provision. What's left? Not much that will help Americans that need health coverage.
Even more disappointing, President Obama has been sitting on the sidelines, rather than supporting one of the most important pieces of his campaign platform: affordable health coverage for everyone. And House Democrats have taken notice. For example, Anthony Weiner (D-NY) said, "Snowe? Stupak? Lieberman? Who left these people in charge? It's time for the President to get his hands dirty. Some of us have compromised our compromised compromise. We need the President to stand up for the values our party shares. We must stop letting the tail wag the dog of this debate."
At this time more than ever, we need President Obama to demand a strong public option in the final health care bill! Send your letter to the White House today.
Dear President Obama,
I am disgusted by your lack of support for a strong public option. You campaigned on a platform that included affordable health care for all Americans -- yet you have stood by as moderates and Republicans decimated any chance for real health care reform.
Now more than ever, the American people need your leadership. We need you to speak out for a strong public option's inclusion in the final health care bill. The compromised position of the compromise is simply unacceptable.
Please inform the Senate that you will only sign a bill that contains a strong public option.
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