Break the Silence on Child Hunger

Nearly 14 million kids are going hungry across the U.S.  

They're our neighbors, our classmates, our children's friends – forced to skip meals and suffer from near-constant exhaustion. Growing bodies can't survive and thrive like that.  

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a lifeline for struggling families. But the cost of food is rising, and benefits aren't stretching as far as they should. 

Help break the silence on child hunger: Tell Congress to protect SNAP.  

To whom it may concern: 

Nearly 14 million kids are going hungry across the nation. This crisis is most devastating in rural America, where 84% of counties with the highest rates of food insecurity are located.  

That's why the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is so critical. Over 40 million Americans – including nearly 14 million children – use this crucial resource to offset the high cost of groceries and put food on the table.  

But at current levels, the average daily benefit is just $6.20 per person! Research shows that most households run out before the month is over – which means millions of kids aren't getting the nutrition they need to thrive.  

Cutting SNAP benefits would devastate families who already struggle to afford food on top of housing and health care. More children will be pushed into hunger and forced to face the devastating consequences of poor nutrition.  

SNAP even bolsters our economy, with every $1 in benefits generating up to $1.80 in economic activity by supporting local grocery stores, farmers and businesses! 

Thank you for protecting and strengthening SNAP benefits – and children's futures.

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