“Complete Streets” for Kalamazoo - Immediately begin the process of converting all downtown Kalamazoo area streets to “Complete Streets”

“Complete Streets” are streets designed and operated to enable safe access for ALL users of all ages and abilities; including pedestrians, bicyclists, people with disabilities, transit riders and all vehicle types, including motorists, public transportation, emergency responders, and delivery vehicles among others. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work.

Complete Streets can also reduce/eliminate cut-through traffic in our neighborhoods by applying the model to current neighborhood “hot spots”, as well as all future city street projects.

Complete Street policies ensure that the entire right-of-way is planned, designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to provide safe access for ALL users.

We, the undersigned, petition MDOT to immediately begin the process of reconfiguring all state-controlled streets in the downtown Kalamazoo area, with the goal of converting them to “Complete Streets”: Streets designed and operated to enable safe access for users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, people with disabilities, transit riders and all vehicle types, including motorists, public transportation, emergency responders, and delivery vehicles among others.

We also petition the City of Kalamazoo to reduce/eliminate cut-through traffic in our neighborhoods by applying the
“Complete Streets” model to current neighborhood “hot spots”, as well as all future city street projects.

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