He Mercilessly Shot His Two German Shepherds Execution-Style. Then, Authorities Found His Private, Illegal Slaughterhouse.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office
The idea of an illegal, personal slaughterhouse sounds like something straight out of a horror film. But for a large group of animals in Long Island, New York, it was a very real place where they were being held captive. There, a man was keeping dogs, pigs, goats, cows, and chickens prisoner, depriving them of clean water and food -- and slowly killing them, one by one.

Sign the petition to demand true justice for these poor animals!

Authorities became aware of the nightmare situation when a one-year-old German Shepherd arrived at a local vet with a gunshot wound to his head that had left him paralyzed. A witness had found this poor pup on the Long Island man's property, so police went there to investigate. What they found was sickening.

Not only had this man shot the German Shepherd intentionally, but he had shot and killed a 6-month-old puppy named Cranky just weeks earlier! Cranky had been disobedient (what puppy isn't?), so the man shot him in the back. He then shot and killed Cranky when someone else on the property tried to comfort and help the poor pup. Clearly, this man isn't at all phased by terrorizing and endangering the lives of both animals and humans alike.

But if what he did to these dogs wasn't proof enough, police found an excess of horrors still to come. Nearly a dozen more dogs, and a "multitude" of pigs, cows, chickens, goats, and sheep living in misery. Allegedly there were dead animals and horrific displays of body parts everywhere. The smells, sights, and sounds must have been unbearable for rescuers.

The nightmare is over for the animals who survived, who are making their way to foster homes with the help of rescue organizations. But we must make sure that no other animals are subjected to this man's cruelty ever again.

That's why we're asking the Suffolk County District Attorney, who is handling this case, to include a lifetime ban on animal ownership in this man's sentencing. Sign the petition to protect future animals!
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