Autism - Support - Health Insurance - Research/Studies
Government studies for Autism Treatment. Why not!!??
Applied Behavioral Analysis, change in diet, and vitamin supplements are some of the strongest and most recognized aides (by parents) in helping autistic patients are not clinically studied and or recognized. Our government should put forth the same effort it does with any other condition. Especially now that there seems to be an epidemic. From 1 in 10,000 some years ago to 1 in 166 today. This should be everyone’s concern. We need health coverage for our children but can not get any because no formal studies are being done on what works and what just pacifies the conditions on the spectrum. The claim is always "there are no clinical studies to prove..." Well, why not? Why is it we have to come out of pocket with no support and try things until we find what is good for our child. Why is it that we get no guidance and help from the same people who administer treatment to other conditions? Is autism not recognized? Make the government stand up and do something.....Please. We need funding for research so we can have a direction to go. They say there is no treatment or cure, but parents around the world will attest to similar benefits from same treatments learned from other parents. Do we have to do this on our own? Help us please. Parents, friends and associates of people on the spectrum.
Kim Polk, mother of autistic child
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