Rechte von Homosexuellen Petitionen

Let's stand together for LGBTQ rights

Around the world, people are discriminated against, excluded, and persecuted. They lose jobs, are shunned, and become victims of hate crimes, simply because of their gender or sexual orientation. But we can make a difference when we stand together for LGBTQ rights.

Every human deserves the same basic and unalienable rights. Every human deserves equal treatment -- the same opportunities, the same access to jobs, the same freedoms. But everyday, discrimination is perpetuated by those with loud and powerful voices in our society. And, as a result, people in the LGBTQ community are denied the opportunity to live life to its fullest and participate fully in their communities.

The tide has been turning in recent years. As of 2014, 32 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as 16 countries worldwide, have passed laws allowing same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships. Undoubtedly, the Supreme Court's rejection of parts of the Defense Against Marriage Act in 2013 was a huge step forward in the movement for LGBTQ rights. But there is still so much more work to do. More than a thousand benefits, including unpaid leave to care for an ill spouse, social security survival benefits, and spousal benefits are granted only based on marital status. These benefits are denied of those joined in civil union. Far too many companies still employ hiring practices that discriminate based on gender or sexual orientation. People are treated differently and unfairly, and we cannot rest until every person is afforded the same rights.

By standing together and advocating for LGBTQ rights, we can create a kinder, gentler, more inclusive world. It is through the strength of the LGBT community and the collective voice of everyone who believes in LGBTQ rights that we've gotten to where we are today. When you create or sign a LGBTQ rights petition, you tell governments and policy organizations around the world that we will not stand for discrimination and violence against our fellow humans. Together, we can help change not only the laws but also the way that our societies and cultures think about LGBTQ issues.

The petitions below cover a range of LGBTQ rights issues, from encouraging policies that support same-sex marriage to advocating on behalf of one special couple; from speaking out against discrimination to demanding equal rights for everyone in the LGBTQ community. We partner with a number of organizations to advocate for LGBTQ rights and make sure that our voices are heard as they come together for equality for all.

When you create or sign a petition advocating for LGBTQ rights, you become part of the Care2 community -- a community that has made world-changing impact through starting campaigns and supporting each other's work. We are a community united for good. Your signature conveys your support for LGBTQ rights and your voice will be heard.

By signing these petitions, or creating one of your own, you have the opportunity to save another human being from discrimination. Your support of the petitions below will create a better life for people around the world.

When we stand together, our actions have an impact. When we unite for good, we can contribute to the solution. Let's stand together for LGBTQ rights.

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Rechte von Homosexuellen Petitionen

von: Human Rights Campaign
von: Human Rights Campaign
von: Human Rights Campaign