Two Men Cut Off The Tail Of A Shark Just To Watch It Suffer

Two Icelandic fishermen filmed themselves cutting off the tail of a Greenland Shark while working on an Icelandic fishing vessel. The two men grabbed the shark and mutilated its tail while laughing, saying "Good luck trying to swim, you punk," as the shark struggled to swim away in agony.

After posting the video on social media, news caught wind and the owners of their fishing vessel, Bíldsey SH 65, terminated their employment. But termination from their employment is not enough. These two horrific abusers need to face charges and be brought to justice for their unforgivable behavior.

Help me share this story to bring awareness and to create stricter laws for animal (and marine life) abusers.

Update #1vor 5 Jahren
I wanted to thank everyone for signing, trying to gain attention for the ethical treatment of ALL marine life! The fishermen who cut off this near-endangered Greenland shark are named Halldór Gústaf and Gunnar Þór and are now known around the country of Iceland for their horrific deed. I will continue to find the end result of their brutal behavior and update all when I do. Again, thank you or your unwavering support.
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