The Meyer Plan: Fix Indiana State Environmental Policy

  • von: Owen M
  • empfänger: Bruno Pigott

The state of Indiana is currently implementing a system that allows hundreds of tons of harmful criteria pollutants to be released into the atmosphere per year. Systems to control industrial releases of these pollutants are not required until the reported releases break a certain threshold often after the release of thousands of pounds of pollutants. The goal of this petition is to get the support of the people to push for at the very least the decreasing of the regulation thresholds for the criteria pollutants and to let people know that we care.

Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you to everyone for all of the consideration that you have given my ideas. This petition began as a pet project of mine that I called Corruption and Pollutant Chemistry. Never did I believe that enough people cared about what I said and believed that a difference could be made. Thanks again to all 131 of you who have signed on to the Meyer Plan. I appreciate the support and let's save the planet.
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