Someone Broke This Dog's Jaw So Many Times, It Wound Up Hanging Off His Face

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Authorities in Bakersfield, California
Dudley the dog had been so horribly abused, local rescuers called it "some of the worst neglect we've ever seen."

The situation was so bad, his jaw had become broken - to the point where it was dangling down from his face, snapped right in half. Yet clearly his previous family hadn't seen fit to provide him with the necessary medical care.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

Dudley's broken jaw meant he was unable to eat food, and suffered from immense pain. In fact, after examining him further, experts realized Dudley's jaw had been broken repeatedly, over many years.

Luckily, rescuers set him up with veterinary specialists who took good care of him, providing X-rays and procedures to help him heal up.

He's now been adopted by a new, loving forever family. And since he can eat and is no longer in pain, the people around him have discovered he has a "bouncy," happy personality and loves to smile while he hangs around his favorite humans.

It's wonderful that this pup was rescued and able to undergo such a fortunate transformation. But what about the people who did this to them? And are there any other pets suffering in a similar way under their "care"?

Demand authorities find the people who abused and neglected Dudley this way! Sign the petition!
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