Shut Down 17,000 Hellish South Korean Dog Meat Farms!

  • von: Eric Rardin
  • empfänger: Kim Hyeonsoo, South Korean Minister of Agriculture

Millions of sweet, defenseless dogs are being raised for meat in South Korean, and they're suffering horrifying conditions!

Add your name if you want to shut these miserable places down, NOW!

"There are about 17,000 dog meat farms in South Korea.

"10-million dogs are slaughtered for their meat each year in the country," according to Korean K9 Rescue.

But it gets worse. The conditions they live in are HORRIFYING.

"The dogs are freezing and exposed to all of the elements, in their metal cages or makeshift wooden boxes," Kelly O'Meara, vice president of companion animals and engagement at HSI, told The Dodo.

"In addition, they are overcrowded in their cages, barely able to move around, or tied so closely to their boxes that they can only move forward and backward … They often bark and scramble at the front of the bars of their cages or end of their chains as we walk by, just to get a moment of attention from humans."

But animal advocates are working hard to put a stop to dog meat farming, and save as many dogs as they can.

Champion Olympian, Gus Kenworthy, personally rescued 90 dogs from a life of suffering.

Now he, along with countless people like him, are helping to spread awareness.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of raising millions of dogs only to be slaughtered so that humans can devour their flesh?

Then add your name to demand that the South Korean Minister of Agriculture, Kim Hyeonsoo, take action within his government to introduce legislation that would shut down 100% of his country's horrible dog farms, and ban this practice forever!

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