Demand a end to caged hens egg farms
Last week I was offered a job at local egg farm Days eggs napperby port pirie i am currently unemployed and live alone and desperate for a job and thought it was good that was until i seen how these poor hens live 20 in a cage approximately metre or so wide half that deep the cages are stacked 6 high. Our job was to remove them from cage and take down out back and put them in a big skip bin 100s of them jammed in then gassed. I done full day and all the time couldn't stop feeling so sorry for these hens thay spend 12 months in a small cage with 20 others standing on a wire bottom in a shed never seeing sunlight for entire time thay lay eggs to make money for business then when finished with pulled out cage and killed, not only that the other people working there are very cruel and handle them terribly I couldn't help myself to tell a few of them to ease up , no living animal should be treated like this , I am very upset by whole thing and think there has to be a end to this . 15000 hens were killed that day then just dumped in a tip truck and put to land fill absolutely disgusting.
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