7.5 BILLION humans and growing rapidly! Lets PETITION to end the Free Benefits from Breeding more than 1 kid when HUMANS are Dangerously OVER-POPULATED and burdening nearly every other species before its too late like CHINA! www.poodwaddle.com/clocks/worldclock/
Humans are way OVER-POPULATED but we basically PAY people to breed, ~$3,900/year/kid (up to age 25, so could be over $300,000 in benefits we all pay for, if they have 2 kids, even if they make a lot more money than you too) in FREE Tax Refunds (also other benefits like pre-k aka free babysitters, schools-lunch-breakfast-after school "programs" and much more. Meanwhile tons of kids-teenagers 8-16 yrs old are in Foster Care in most areas and easy to Adopt, but most just want white babies not kids. Then we have Over-fishing now sick Fish-Farms as cruel Factory-Farms (MeatVideo.com - MUST SEE) of Billions of Terrorized and Force-bred animals, Landfills full, SMOG in CA like CHINA-who fines anyone with more than 1 kid), pollution, lack of resources, EXTINCTIONS (we are not the only species but sure do burden nearly all other live) and can't endlessly grow and ALL FUTURE generations of animals and human animals will pay the price. This is a crisis we should not be re-active to, but pro-active is smart and not selfish!
LETS **PETITION** to end the Free Tax Refunds as incentives to breed more and give out FREE birth control instead and if on WIC or anything require B/C shots! Someone can get this free tax refund even if they make way more than a single person struggling to get by on one income. Have services like WIC and Food Stamps for the needy but don't just give out free money at our expense and environment by encouraging having more kids!
You don't need to a bunch of MINI-ME's or to "Spread your Seed" or Legacy-which is nothing good left behind, just suffering, trash and destruction for most who just take, take, take and give back nothing to the world! We are the worlds biggests pests! Human Over-Population is a CRISIS. Quality not quantity of life, 7.5 BILLION and growing quickly!
Like Subsidies to the cruel-unhealthy meat industry that encourage people to consume more animals (we eat more than ever in history from the worst factory-farm conditions) since its cheaper than basic healthy whole foods, despite being labor/resource intensive. As a result our health care system is over-burdened too. So lets PETITION to take subsidies from ANIMAL AG and for REPRODUCING reducing incentives to have more kids or eat animal products!
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