Pass Tim Walz's free lunch for kids program in EVERY state!

As governor of Minnesota, presumptive vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz passed a universal lunch program in his state, making sure that every kid received a free lunch, no matter how rich or poor they were.

It frees families from school lunch debt, which shouldn't ever have been a thing in the first place, ends the quiet humiliation of "lunch shaming" in which poorer kids receive worse quality food, helps out families who make too much to qualify for free meal programs but are still struggling, and ensures that kids have the fuel they need to learn. 

This is what the government should exist to do. This is why we pay taxes. Making sure hungry kids are fed should be society's number one priority, and it speaks volumes about our society that the concept of "lunch debt" exists at all. It's time to end lunch debt for good and institute Tim Walz's free lunch program in EVERY state!

Pass Tim Walz's free lunch for kids program in EVERY state!

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