STOP the Elephant Slaughter!

Elephants are in grave danger: they are being killed in the tens of thousands every year, gunned down by poachers for their ivory tusks in the worst slaughter seen since the 1980s. Entire herds, both young and old, are being shot on the ground and from military helicopters, their tusks cut out, the carcasses left to rot. The gene pool and the survival of this species is at stake.

A horrific convergence is taking place: soldiers of all kinds killing the animals, organized criminals moving the ivory, and China displaying an unceasing appetite for contraband from the wild. Nothing will change until China faces up to its role in the devastation of elephants and other wild species. China is the major investor in much of Africa, and it could put enormous pressure on the poaching rings if it wanted.

The elephants in central Africa cannot survive this cross-fire. The rangers are outgunned and outmanned, often losing their own lives trying to protect these animals. The delicate question, as always, is how to put pressure on China. We can not wait for the government to do this - the People of the World need to stand up to China. We need to convince them that KILLING ENDANGERED SPECIES IS WRONG! Please sign the petition and spread the word - we will not stand by and allow this to happen! Together we can put the pressure on and make the people of China understand.

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