Demand the ban of 1080 in New Zealand

  • von: Katie Brown
  • empfänger: Government and Department of conservation

Have you ever wondered why New zealand is the only country in the world that hasn't banned the use of 1080?

I have a friend that worked in pest erradicatrion in New zealand for the Department of conservation that could tell you of the devastation caused by this chemical. He would trap and shoot the predators. This action would also provide work for many of New zealands unemployed.

After a 1080 drop you will hear nothing in that area of bush except the hush of death. Ask any hunter or hiker that has walked into an area that been poisened and they will tell you 1080 does not just kill predators.

Please help to put an end to this devastation and sign this petition.

It is now time for you to stop the use of 1080. You can no longer ignore the people. I have spoken to Department of conservation workers, hikers and hunters. It is general knowlege that you need to find another way. The most common answer I hear is to place a bounty on the targeted species. This is also a way to get people that live in areas were erradication is neccesary off a benefit.

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Greetings everyone,
As you may know National won the election here in New Zealand. So once again I will promote this petition, and once again I thank you for caring.
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