Prosecute Teens as adults for Beheading Stray Pups with a Machete!!!

  • von: Angela Henderson
  • empfänger: District Attorney Michael Jackson and Sheriff Earnest Evans

Ashley Johnston and his 17-year-old friend were arrested for beheading three stray puppies with a machete and then posting the video on social media. The sheriff thinks it was just two kids "being stupid", but studies have shown that this type of behavior is often the precursor to more sinister and psychopathic killings. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the courts in Alabama to punish these two as they should be punished as adults with felonies!

Mr. Michael Jackson,

I'm writing you regarding the two teens who were arrested today in Wilcox County for abusing then beheading three stray puppies. It seems that the sheriff thinks these two teens were just "being stupid", but I would categorically disagree with that statement and I believe the FBI would also since they will begin tracking this type of behavior next year. 

Many studies have shown that young people who torture and kill animals are prone to violence against people later in life if it goes unchecked! Now is the time to stop these teens and prevent further harm to both pets and humans! If these teens just get a slap on the wrist, that is as good as enabling them to create worse crimes! Please send a message and help stop this type of abuse! These teens have the potential to seriously hurt and/or kill both humans and animals

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Charges against the two defendants have been upgraded to felonies according to District Attorney Michael Jackson. Also, Mr. Jackson has filed a petition to have the 17 year old defendant tried as an adult. His accomplice, 18 year old Ashley Johnston, is already considered an adult and will be tried on the same two count felonies. I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation to each person that took the time to sign this petition!
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