This Tiny, Blind, Confused Dog Needed Help. A Cop Shot Him Instead.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Authorities in Sturgeon, Missouri
A tiny little deaf and blind dog, a fluffy Shih Tzu named Teddy, escaped from his outdoor kennel one Sunday - only to wind up dead at the hands of a local police officer several hours later.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

Teddy the dog lived with his owners in a small town in Missouri. When he accidentally wound up wandering around the local community, confused and lost, a kind neighbor wanted to help. They posted on social media asking around to see which family he belonged to, and also called the local police, to ensure the little dog was properly looked after and taken care of.

But when the officer arrived on the scene, he did not help little Teddy at all. Instead, after a few minutes, he shot two bullets into the animal, leaving Teddy dead.

The neighbor was shocked. Even worse, Teddy's owners showed up looking for him - only to be confronted with the gruesome scene. Heartbroken, they demanded answers from the officer. His initial response? He assumed Teddy was a stray and needed to be put down... with a gun.

Later, the local police department changed its story and said the officer was worried Teddy might have had rabies. (He didn't have rabies.)

Now, the entire town and multiple neighboring communities are voicing their outrage. Residents are holding town halls and demanding accountability. But so far, the most local authorities have offered was to temporarily suspend Officer Woodson, putting him on paid leave.

This man shot and killed a completely innocent, helpless, tiny little dog that just needed assistance! How can he be trusted to continue carrying a firearm or supposedly "serving" his community as a member of law enforcement?

Demand that Officer Woodson be banned from gun ownership and fired from the Sturgeon, Missouri police department immediately! Stand with the residents of this town and help us achieve justice for Teddy the dog!
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