Find and Prosecute Person Who Shot 24-year old Horse to death

  • von: SUE LEE
  • empfänger: MAYS LICK, Ky. (Angenette Levy) and the Mason Co. Sheriff's Office

Please sign and share this petition worldwide so that we can find the awful monster who shot a beautiful, 24-year old horse to death while in its own pasture. How devastating for the owner to go see her horse and find her precious baby lying dead in a field! Let us gain justice for Gipsy Rose the horse.

It was some time in the afternoon that Ms. Brandi Courtney-Mauricio and her husband her a slew of gunshots but the couple did not give it much thought since it is a common occurrence in their area. Many people have guns and perform target practices. However, Brandi decided to go check on Gipsy Rose, her horse of 20 years, whom she considered as her big baby. However, when she got to the pasture, the horse was lying on her side, shot at least five times with a high-powered rifle and left to die. Now she can’t imagine her life without her precious pet. Brandi said, "Of course I cried my eyes out. I cried like a baby, you know.  And I thought who in the world would be this sick to shoot a horse five times?  An innocent horse standing there in her own field eating hay?  That's exactly what I thought."

Sheriff Patrick Boggs states that "You know somebody is just sick and deranged and just doesn't have a heart at all and I just could not imagine who would do something like that." Gipsy Rose was a 24-year-old Tennessee Walker who belonged to this local country singer. She and others are searching for evidence that can link someone to the crime. "I just pray to God we find out who done this and that they will be punished and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

The family and Mason County Police Department are asking for everyone’s help in searching for the killer of this innocent animal. Gipsy Rose was in perfect health, with many more vibrant years ahead of her. Help to find the culprit. Please sign and share this petition worldwide so that we can find the awful monster who shot a beautiful, 24-year old horse to death while in its own pasture. How devastating for the owner to go see her horse and find her precious baby lying dead in a field! Let us gain justice for Gipsy Rose the horse.


MAYS LICK, Ky. (Angenette Levy) and the Mason Co. Sheriff's Office – Please continue a thorough investigation into the brutal killing of Gipsy Rose, an innocent beautiful horse that was grazing in its own pasture. This animal did not deserve to be shot and left for dead, to be found by its own loving owners. Encourage support and further leads from area residents so that someone can come forth with tips and evidence of this animal brutality. Find and prosecute this beast to the full extent of the law!!!!

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