STOP the re-zoning of our Conservation and Floodway lands to Residential!

9.66 Acres of land adjacent to Peace Lutheran Church on Port Malabar Rd and Clearmont St are currently Public/Semi Public Conservation land and Floodway. This is beautiful natural land that extends down to the Turkey Creek wetlands behind the Turkey Creek development. The land has been purchased by a new owner who wants to re-zone it to Residential. He has partially cleared the land (including property owned by the City of Palm Bay). We need to keep the limited Wetlands and Conservation lands in Palm Bay protected from development.

- Destruction of wetlands and wildlife habitat
- Erosion impacts to the Turkey Creek waterway
- Lack of public services to support additional homes/businesses in this area
- Negative impact to our house values

Tell our City Council members to OPPOSE this re-zoning project (CP-9-2022 & CPZ-9-2022) and protect the City owned land!

Update #2vor 2 Jahren
To all who have supported this petition - THANK YOU!!! We WON the City Council vote to NOT allow the rezoning of the land on Port Malabar from Conservation Floodway to Residential!! For now the land owner is stopped from developing it, but we will continue to watch closely for any new attempts for re-zoning.

Thank you all for preserving the beauty of this land and creek, as well as all the creatures who live there.
Update #1vor 2 Jahren
Hi All!

Thank you for signing the "Stop the Re-zoning of our Conservation and Floodway" petition related to the land on Pt Malabar Blvd in Palm Bay! We are up to 130 signatures and have an additional 50 on paper. The petition is going to the City Council today. The City Council will hear this case Thursday, May 5th at 6 PM. If you are local, join us at the Palm Bay City Hall Council Chambers, 120 Malabar Rd SE, Palm Bay. We will continue collecting signatures up until then.

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Petition unterzeichnen


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