ILLINOIS: Require all dogs and cats sold in pet stores to come from local shelters

  • von: Javannis
  • empfänger: Governor Bruce Rauner and Illinois State Legislative Officials

The Humane Society of the United States has found that a puppy mill contains rooms stuffed with stacks of dog cages. They are overpopulated with too many dogs to fit comfortably in each cage.

The floors of the cages have wire floors that damage the dog's paws and allow urine and feces to rain down from one cage onto the heads of the dogs in the cages below. Many dogs suffer from diseases, injuries, and insect infestations that are never properly treated. The female dogs are bred every time they are in heat, until they can no longer produce puppies and are then killed.

Meanwhile, shelters are forced to euthanize 3 million puppies each year because there is an overpopulation. We can no longer accept this animal cruelty that is being excused so that puppy mill owners can reap high profits.

Enclosing dogs in small spaces leads to socialization problems with other dogs and humans, the spreading of illness and disease, a lack of healthy exercise, and often death.

We must stop puppy mills!!

Governor Bruce Rauner, and the Illinois State Legislative Officials,

Thousands of dogs and cats are put to death every year in Illinois shelters, while pet stores make a huge profit from selling dogs and cats bred in puppy mills across the United States. 

YOU can put an end to this crisis by no longer allowing puppy mills to make money off Illinois consumers. We need to set an example by saying NO to puppy mills.

We need to help clear out shelters by only allowing pet stores to sell dogs and cats who desperately need homes.

Why should they die without having a chance to live? They need love and a home too. 

They don't deserve their fate, their only crime? Being Homeless :(

YOU have the power to create change!!! and we believe you will!

Thank you!

Update #2vor 8 Jahren
Please, don't give up!! keep sharing, we need to reach our goal, it's the only way to help and have a voice for our furry friends!
Thank You!
Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Thank you everyone for signing this important petition, but we still have a long way to go.

I ask you to please help me reach the goal by sharing as much as you can. Together we can make this happen.

Thank you so much!
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