Ban the sale of live lobsters in grocery stores like Loblaws!

  • von: Frank Albert
  • empfänger: Loblaws, Metro...virtually every supermarket in Ontario, excluding Whole Foods and Fresh Co.

A growing, wretched trend: a filthy tank stuffed with living lobsters (who have central nervous systems and suffer terrible pain,) with their claws bound, waiting to be bought and tortured to death. Working class-oriented stores and the very high end Whole Foods do not carry any living creatures. I tried to speak to many managers who laughed at the idea if my caring. I know that lobsters have a lowly reputation but you may be surprised to know that they are feeling creatures, who mate for life. With shows like Master Chef (etal) calling dead animals "proteins," we are on a slippery slope towards equating barbarism with virility. Towards making a joke of animal's horrible pain and suffering, as in "I feel bad but they must know how delicious they are!" Please take a moment to sign, and if you have real guts, tell your local grocer to stop this sorrowful, in humans practice. Just a signature would mean the world. Thank you! 

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