Drop Teen World Cup fan "Animal Abuser" Axelle Despiegelaere from L'Oreal Contract

"Hunting is not a matter of life or death. It's much more important than that," she said on her Facebook page. - Axelle Despiegelaere 

A 17-year-old Belgian girl has just scored a lucrative modelling contract after a photo of her cheering for her team at the World Cup went viral across the world. 

No longer just a face in the crowd, Axelle Despiegelaere has signed a contract to become one of the stars of a global cosmetics brand.

A photo has emerged of the teenager hunting big game in Africa, a pastime that has tarnished the reputation of other public faces.

However, this teen model is already facing the realities of her global image, with a barrage of social media criticisim levelled at her for posting photos of her hunting the Oryx Gazelle in Africa.


DROP Axelle Despiegelaere from L'Oreal Contract or We will stop using the Products !!!!!!!

"Hunting is not a matter of life or death. It's much more important than that," she said on her Facebook page.


Update #1vor 10 Jahren
VICTORY : L’Oreal cuts ties with Belgian World Cup fan

She’s not worth it! L’Oreal cuts ties with Belgian World Cup fan whose good looks swept the Internet after controversy over her hunting trip photographs

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