America's call to action!:)
We want all of America to follow in Arizona’s footsteps. Please sign this petition to help all our dog and cat fur friends. We’re asking for our local, state, and U.S. governments to enact real conversation to solve Americas’ pet overpopulation crisis.
Euthanasia cost our taxpayers 2 billion annually. We need new legislation now to combat this involving proactive innovation incentives and solutions for spaying and neutering versus euthanasia.
“Currently in America and around the world we have a serious problem with homeless pets and unwanted strays. Which is far bigger than people even recognize. 1. There are about 70million stray animals living in the U.S. 2. Of this 70 million, only about 6 to 8 million cats and dogs enter the nations 3,500 shelters every year, according to the humane society. 3. That evens out to about 5 homeless pets for every homeless person in the U.S. reports 4. Out of six to eight million cats and dogs, one in four animals brought into shelters are pit bulls or pit-associated breeds and mixes-currently the most (wrongly) marginalized dogs in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. 5. The two main reasons animals end up in shelters are because they’ve either been surrendered by their guardians or picked up off the street by animal control. 6. Only around 10 percent of animals entering shelters have been spayed or neutered, which is problematic considering in just six years, one un-spayed female dog and her offspring can create 67,000 dogs and one un-spayed female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 kittens in seven years, reports Watauga humane society. 7. About 30%of shelter dogs are reclaimed by their guardians, with cats far behind at only 2%-5%. 8. What’s more only about 3 to 4 million cats and dogs are adopted from shelters each year. 9. Know what that means??? Nearly half of all animals that arrive in U.S. shelters are euthanized. Amounting to roughly 2.7 million dead animals every year or 5 out of every 10 dogs and 7 out of every 10 cats. - That’s like 80,000 animals a week. 10. 5 out of every 10 shelter dogs each year amounts to about 5,500 euthanized dogs a Day!!! 11. Of all the dogs that enter the system, pit bull types have it the worst with a shockingly high euthanasia rate of 93% 12. To pay for all this- the impoundment, sheltering, euthanasia and subsequent disposal of homeless animals- the U.S. taxpayers shell out between 1 to 2 billion tax dollars annually.”
“What this fact breakdown ultimately reveals is that (1) breeding animals for a sake of profit or simply because someone “wants” a certain type of dog is highly unnecessary and unsustainable-there are certainly plenty of cats and dogs awaiting homes- and (2) that the power to change these statistics is in our hands.
Currently what we can do is:
We can say no to pet stores and “pet for sale” ads and instead chose adoption as the “only” route to take. We can spay and neuter our adopted companion. (Check out Spay USA and for low cost resources)
We can sponsor others to spay or neuter their companion. We can pledge, donate, foster, help, volunteer and rescue with our local shelters and organizations.
“We can also enact at all levels of our society from the local level (no kill, spay, and neuter, and trap-neuter-release programs) all the way up to the state and national level to hold irresponsible pet owners and pet accountable and to put in measures into place that would phase in the choice of a shelter and rescue adoption over a pet purchase, like Phoenix Arizona recently did by banning the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores.
We can together make sure that no cat or dog becomes a heartbreaking statistic ever again- We need only step up to the plate and never back down” -from one green planet
Please sign this petition to ask our local, state and national government to do just that.
Please sign this to help become proactive in America’s homeless pet population by being innovative and proactive. Please submit and write creative ideas to tackle this problem in the thread attached and please write your senators with your concerns and solutions to
I recognize many people breed dogs for income. Perhaps they can work with large companies for free advertising or free sponsorship for if they spay their pet. Like a $100 gift card, or a free cool product. It’s cheaper and more cost effective to pay breeders to spay and neuter before pets leave their facility. Or pet stores before they sale. Then for taxpayers to pay billions in euthanizing them.
Another solution could be to make sure all breeders and veterinarians offer free fixing. This is still cheaper and more proactive then euthanasia later and body disposal.
Please sign this petition for our government to address our concerns with meaningful legislation. We need our government to back real solutions for us that are both humane and good for our tax dollar pockets and stop focusing on corporate agendas. We the people care for our pets and want a better solution that saves their lives and saves our hearts and tax dollars. Support Lita now:)
Thank you!
Lita still needs you too if you can:)
Adopt her at ID#2014-01-115 She loves kids, dogs, cats and everyone. She’s 3 so past that puppy chewing stage and is the best and sweetest dog ever. Don’t forget to save Lita.:) And then let’s demand our country gets together to save our Lita’s everywhere.
Please post creative ideas,solutions, stories, and thoughts in the comment thread. Together we need to address this pet problem now to fix it.
like Arizona is:)
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