URGENT! Stop Inhumane Living Conditions of Calves in Chandler, Arizona!

  • von: Suzanne Deutsch
  • empfänger: Governor Doug Ducey and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

In July 2016, I took pictures of calves in tiny, narrow, metal crates only wide enough for the calf to be able to stand up or sit down. Supposedly they are being force-weaned from mother. The metal crates themselves during the Arizona summers make the calves experience much harsher. During our long summers, the temperatures range from 100-120 degrees. The temperature of metal, whether in the shade or sun, can be 20+ degrees hotter than the outside temperature. This compounds their susceptibility to diseases, pneumonia, diarrhea, and heat exhaustion.

In the state of Arizona, legislature BANNED the use of veal crates for veal farming in 2006: Arizona Law - 13-2910.07 - Cruel and inhumane confinement of a pig during pregnancy or of a calf raised for veal. With this law in place, calves should be able to “…turn around freely …. without any impediment, including a tether, or, in the case of an enclosure...”

If it is inhumane and against the law to crate calves for veal farming, why is it okay if calves are crated while being weaned?

These calves are experiencing unhealthy and unnatural living conditions of narrow, metal crates with metal floors where calves have difficulty moving.

Please sign this petition to remove the calves from their narrow, metal crates and allow them to live in their natural environment!

Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Update 7/14/2016: An informal email and pictures were sent to the Governor's office with the petition information. The contact I have sent it straight to the Department of Agriculture who said they would look into it quickly. I will keep you all posted. Thank you for your support. Keep sharing!
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