Demand Justice for Street Dogs and Cats & Urge Changes in Animal Protection Law in Taiwan

Dear Friends: Taiwan is a country where the majority of its citizens are not educated to treat animals with love and respect. This petition is created to support animal welfare activists led by Mr Huang Tai-shan in Taiwan, along with our demands on increasing public awareness on animals wellbeings. Your support will make a difference.

In support of animal welfare activists led by Mr Huang Tai-shan in Taiwan. Six clauses are proposed by Mr Huang to improve upon current Animal Protection Laws:

1. Regulate/Monitor the animal population: set up a breeder's registry and register each litter once whelped.

2. Update stray-capturing guidelines to stop inhumane killing and maltreatment.
(If this clause has passed, the government shelters will mostly no longer need to euthanize animals.)

3. Increase the jail sentence of animal abusers (from X to 1-2 years).

4. Legalize/legitimize TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Return) procedures. Systematically neuter and chip strays on a large-scale basis in order to reduce the number of strays.

5. Public Interest Litigation. Should there be failure to act on government's part, the people can file a lawsuit.

6. Inclusion of penalties for improper keeping and animal cruelty practices for the owners who chain/crate animals for extended period of time, starve their pets outside, leave them in the cold/heat without shelter, or excessive use of their dogs for work purposes, etc.

Moreover, because Taiwan is a country where the majority of citizens are not educated to treat animals with love and respect, we further demand the following:

1. The enforcement of public education on animal rights and protection for people of all ages, including school children, adults and senior citizens.

2.Remove social stigma that strays are a source of environmental uncleanliness and instead place greater emphasis on pet owners' social responsibility to clean up after their pets' wastes

3. Pet owners should neuter and chip their dogs/cats and make a lifetime commitment to taking care of their well-being without abandoning them in the streets.

4. Implementation of jail sentences on owners who abandon their pets, dogs/cats meat traders, and illegal backyard breeders.

Dear friends, please join us by signing up for this petition to demand justice for street dogs and cats and improvement of Animal Welfare Law in Taiwan. Thank you very much for your support.

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