Stop Italy's Unjust Surrogacy Law Targeting LGBTQ+ Parents

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: United Nations Human Rights Council, European Court of Human Rights

Imagine wanting a child and finding out your government not only forbids it but could punish you severely for trying. Italy just passed a strict surrogacy law that harshly targets LGBTQ+ couples, making it almost impossible for them to build families through international surrogacy. This new rule imposes extreme fines and even prison time just for trying to become parents through surrogacy abroad. 

Sign this petition to demand that the United Nations Human Rights Council and the European Court of Human Rights step in to put a stop to Italy's harmful surrogacy law!

This is one of the harshest laws of its kind in the Global North, and unfairly singles out LGBTQ+ families, stripping them of their rights to have children.

Everyone deserves the chance to have a family. Italy's law discriminates and causes fear among those who wish to love and nurture a child. 

Sign this petition to urge international bodies to intervene and push Italy to overturn this unfair law.

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